
Bursa is small sacs of fluid found in the body where parts move against each other, and so they help to reduce friction. Therefore, they are found around joints, and where ligaments and tendons pass over bones.  

Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa due to repetitive slight injury, pressure or friction. Infection or inflammatory conditions may also cause bursitis.


The symptoms of bursitis are:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Restricted movement


The most common cause of bursitis is injury or damage to the bursae.  Different areas of the body are affected in different ways, for example, injury to the knee may be due to repeated kneeling, long periods of kneeling, sports-related injuries or infection.


Initial treatment of bursitis is:

  1. Rest – cease from any activity that may have caused the injury in the first place
  2. Ice – Apply an ice pack (of a bag of frozen peas) to the injured area for 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours
  3. Elevate – to help reduce swelling raise the injured area for example with a pillow

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce milder forms. A steroid injection or draining of the fluid can be used in more advanced cases.