Neurophysiological Disorders


For thousands of years, it has been known that our mood can affect our well-being.  When life is good then you invariably have more energy and feel much better about yourself, and pain or illness is virtually non-existent.  And when we are facing hard times, or struggling with life our energy levels are low, our stress or anxiety is high, and we often experience physical pain or illness.  This is no coincidence.

Modern medicine has made terrific advances in recent years in all areas of medicine, but training tends to view the body as a machine, so when it breaks (has pain) they try to fix it by identifying the broken part (often via scans) and mend it either mechanically (with surgery) or chemically (with medication).

In the last thirty years, the medical world is becoming more open to the idea of the effects of the mind on the body, both in how it can cause it to break down or heal, depending on the nature of the person.  The basis of which is understanding the chemical responses our bodies give out based on our perception of our surroundings.

Chemical response to sensory input

Neurophysiological Disorders diagram

Source: Back in Control by Dr David Hanscom

Neurophysiological Disorder (NPD) is also known by the terms:

  • Mind-Body syndrome (MBS)
  • Tension myositis syndrome (TMS)
  • Psychophysiological disorder (PPD)
  • Stress Illness syndrome
  • Psychosomatic disorder

Symptoms of Neurophysiological Disorders

When you are stressed for any reason all 50 trillion cells in your body become bathed in the stressor hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.  When there is sustained release of these hormones the effects manifest in the body as pain and other disorders.  Thirty-three has been identified by Dr Schubiner in his book, Unlearn Your Pain.

  1. Heartburn, acid reflux
  2. Abdominal pains
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome
  4. Tension headaches
  5. Migraine headaches
  6. Unexplained rashes
  7. Anxiety and or panic attacks
  8. Depression
  9. Obsessive-compulsive thought patterns
  10. Eating disorders
  11. Insomnia
  12. Fibromyalgia
  13. Back Pain
  14. Neck Pain
  15. Shoulder Pain
  16. Repetitive stress injury
  17. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  18. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
  19. Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)
  20. Chronic tendonitis
  21. Facial pain
  22. Numbness, tingling sensations (Trapped Nerve)
  23. Fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome
  24. Palpitations
  25. Chest pain
  26. Hyperventilation
  27. Interstitial cystitis / spastic bladder (irritable bladder syndrome)
  28. Pelvic pain
  29. Muscle tenderness
  30. Postural orthostatic tachycardia (POTS)
  31. Tinnitus
  32. Dizziness
  33. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Treatment of Neurophysiological Disorders

At The Hannon Clinic, we treat both the symptoms and the cause.  We undertake physical treatments to clear physical pain and we work to understand the cause of the pain in order to effectively clear it completely and reduce any re-occurrence.  

To that end, we will look at any stressors, worries or anxiety in your life.  As a certain level of stress has almost become normal, many of us do not notice it.  However even small, but sustained doses of adrenaline or cortisol can have a detrimental effect on our bodies. 

We teach highly effective tools and techniques to help you take control of your thoughts and how to turn them around to aid healing, including The Distraction Process, which is particularly helpful for clearing chronic symptoms.

Dealing with Chronic Pain

When a person has been dealing with pain for a long time (referred to as chronic pain) they can become worn down by it and as such, inadvertently cause the pain to remain unhealed or worse cause additional symptoms by the sustained release of the stressor hormones.  

In both scenarios, we teach you how to address your pain through the process of understanding your thoughts, in-particular the subconscious thoughts, and how to change them in order to allow the body to produce the chemicals required to induce healing.

This process is highly effective and can be used to deal with all types of pain and illness to aid healing.